Automation Consulting

Your CustomersDemandInnovative Experiences

73% of customers say that experience is key to the buying experience. So why not innovate your Customer Experience with the latest AI & LLM technologies?

Build a better customer experience, no matter what channel.

We're the leading AI team you have been looking for.

01 — Empower your customer service team

01 — Empower your customer service team

Augment your first tier of customer service & sales.

Ivy 2 understands your customers, services their needs on the spot, and connects them to the right people or information instantly.

02 — Service the Omnichannel

02 — Service the Omnichannel

Meet your customers where they are

Our Ivy 2 build services customers on all channels, wherever and whenever they want to engage, works 24/7, and is never overloaded by customer enquiries.
03 — Automated system actions

03 — Automated system actions

Automated customer actions while you're asleep

What makes Ivy 2 really special, is its ability to take actions on your behalf, like sending e-mail confirmations to your customers, filling out notes on your CRM, or checking the latest order status.

04 — Gather key insights

04 — Gather key insights

Understand more about your customers

Ivy 2 helps you understand more via its interactions with your customers, which you can later process and leverage to continuously create better customer strategies.
How do we work?

How do we work?

An expert team with a simple ethos:

    100% Your Choice

    We work with your strategy, connect with the channels you want, automate the systems that are key to you. We work to understand in-depth what your critical business goals are, and always help guide you throughout the process.

      100% Your Customers

      We always build with your customer's best interest in mind. Protecting their privacy, evaluate and understand what they want, and comprehensively test our solutions to ensure they work. We ensure our solutions are in line with the Australian Privacy Principals Act & GDPR. And we always ensure their data is safe and secure.

        100% Your People

        AI is not about taking away your people's jobs! Its about empowering them to perform more business critical activities. We evaluate your customer service and sales team to understand how we can make their jobs more efficient.

        Industries Revolutionised by AI

        Industries Revolutionised by AI

        Choose your industry:

        Select your industry to find out more about how LLMs apply to you.


          Retail Experience Solutions

          Innovative shopping experiences at scale. Bridge the digital and physical customer experience.


            Banking Service Solutions

            Reduce burden on your customer service. Get customers where they want to go faster.


              Real Estate Solutions

              Catch more sellers. Engage more buyers. Gain an edge on your competitors.


                Other Solutions

                Not on the list? No worries! We have a solution for you.